Herbicide resistance and IWM Weed management in cropping systemsOrder DescriptionFirst NOTE ;- Q1 has a,b,c and d . you must get its answer from the book which I will braved it. Also, you do not need to put references in Q1, only get its answer from the book which I will braved you with it. You only need references for Q2.
Second NOTE:- I will braved you two farms(my two paddocks) which are related to Q1. The bellow are the questions (GRNS 501) Herbicide resistance and IWM Weed management in cropping systems This part of the assignment is to get you to think about the pattern of chemical use in cropping paddocks, what resistance problems are likely to occur, and how you might reduce the risk of this happening. Pick two paddocks(I chose them) where you have access to about 4 years of paddock history, and fill out the attached worksheet listing crop rotation, target weeds, and all the weed control operations. Try to pick paddocks with different management if possible, one of the paddocks should be zero till, or close to it. I want to see actual paddock history rather than a typical history, as the number of sprays actually applied is often surprising. In your role as cropping consultant for this property, you need to Q1. Comment on the good and bad aspects of this pattern of herbicide use and weed control, including a) the frequency of use of different herbicides groups, b) the exposure of different weed species/types to herbicides throughout each year and the rotation, c) the risk of herbicide resistance developing for the chemical groups used, and d) how many of the IWM tactic groups (Section 4 in the IWM manual) and good agronomic practices (Section 3) are currently being used to manage weeds. Q2. Outline 3 IWM strategies which you could incorporate into weed management in one or both of these paddocks (pick strategies which do not rely on herbicides!!). Make brief comments on how they would improve weed control/why they are likely to be effective. Also, include comments on the practicality and ease/likelihood of adoption of each strategy in this farming system. (For these final comments, imagine that we are 15 years in the future, with several grass and broadleaf weeds with herbicide resistance, including glyphosate resistance how do we manage??) Note;- *Pick two different types of weeds (eg a broad leaf and a grass, or very different broadleafs) and briefly discuss how the ecology and physiology of the weeds (and of the crops that may be grown in the paddock) influence the strategies used, and success of the different strategies. *One area of weed management that many growers fail to implement is the stopping of unwanted seeds and propagules (corms, tubers etc.) coming onto, or being spread within the property. This has led to the introduction of a new species of weed, or one with glyphosate or paraquat resistance from external or internal sources. Risk aware growers can implement strategies to reduce and avoid unnecessary introduction and spread of weeds. These strategies will reduce not only the likelihood of introducing new weed species but also the risk of importing herbicide resistant weeds. Identify 3 strategies and briefly discuss how these could be implemented. Also, include comments on the practicality and ease/likelihood of adoption of each strategy
Herbicide resistance and IWM Weed management in cropping systems

Herbicide resistance and IWM Weed management in cropping systems

Herbicide resistance and IWM Weed management in cropping systems
Order Description
First NOTE ;- Q1 has a,b,c and d . you must get its answer from the book which I will braved it. Also, you do not need to put references in Q1, only get its answer from the book which I will braved you with it. You only need references for Q2.
Second NOTE:- I will braved you two farms(my two paddocks) which are related to Q1. The bellow are the questions (GRNS 501) Herbicide resistance and IWM Weed management in cropping systems This part of the assignment is to get you to think about the pattern of chemical use in cropping paddocks, what resistance problems are likely to occur, and how you might reduce the risk of this happening. Pick two paddocks(I chose them) where you have access to about 4 years of paddock history, and fill out the attached worksheet listing crop rotation, target weeds, and all the weed control operations. Try to pick paddocks with different management – if possible, one of the paddocks should be zero till, or close to it. I want to see actual paddock history rather than a ‘typical’ history, as the number of sprays actually applied is often surprising. In your ‘role’ as cropping consultant for this property, you need to Q1. Comment on the good and bad aspects of this pattern of herbicide use and weed control, including a) the frequency of use of different herbicides groups, b) the exposure of different weed species/types to herbicides throughout each year and the rotation, c) the risk of herbicide resistance developing for the chemical groups used, and d) how many of the IWM tactic groups (Section 4 in the IWM manual) and good agronomic practices (Section 3) are currently being used to manage weeds. Q2. Outline 3 IWM strategies which you could incorporate into weed management in one or both of these paddocks (pick strategies which do not rely on herbicides!!). Make brief comments on how they would improve weed control/why they are likely to be effective. Also, include comments on the practicality and ease/likelihood of adoption of each strategy in this farming system. (For these final comments, imagine that we are 15 years in the future, with several grass and broadleaf weeds with herbicide resistance, including glyphosate resistance – how do we manage??) Note;- *Pick two different types of weeds (eg a broad leaf and a grass, or very different broadleafs) and briefly discuss how the ecology and physiology of the weeds (and of the crops that may be grown in the paddock) influence the strategies used, and success of the different strategies. *One area of weed management that many growers fail to implement is the stopping of unwanted seeds and propagules (corms, tubers etc.) coming onto, or being spread within the property. This has led to the introduction of a new species of weed, or one with glyphosate or paraquat resistance from external or internal sources. ‘Risk aware’ growers can implement strategies to reduce and avoid unnecessary introduction and spread of weeds. These strategies will reduce not only the likelihood of introducing new weed species but also the risk of importing herbicide resistant weeds. Identify 3 strategies and briefly discuss how these could be implemented. Also, include comments on the practicality and ease/likelihood of adoption of each strategy
Herbicide resistance and IWM Weed management in cropping systems

Herbicide resistance and IWM Weed management in cropping systems
Order Description
First NOTE ;- Q1 has a,b,c and d . you must get its answer from the book which I will braved it. Also, you do not need to put references in Q1, only get its answer from the book which I will braved you with it. You only need references for Q2.
Second NOTE:- I will braved you two farms(my two paddocks) which are related to Q1. The bellow are the questions (GRNS 501) Herbicide resistance and IWM Weed management in cropping systems This part of the assignment is to get you to think about the pattern of chemical use in cropping paddocks, what resistance problems are likely to occur, and how you might reduce the risk of this happening. Pick two paddocks(I chose them) where you have access to about 4 years of paddock history, and fill out the attached worksheet listing crop rotation, target weeds, and all the weed control operations. Try to pick paddocks with different management – if possible, one of the paddocks should be zero till, or close to it. I want to see actual paddock history rather than a ‘typical’ history, as the number of sprays actually applied is often surprising. In your ‘role’ as cropping consultant for this property, you need to Q1. Comment on the good and bad aspects of this pattern of herbicide use and weed control, including a) the frequency of use of different herbicides groups, b) the exposure of different weed species/types to herbicides throughout each year and the rotation, c) the risk of herbicide resistance developing for the chemical groups used, and d) how many of the IWM tactic groups (Section 4 in the IWM manual) and good agronomic practices (Section 3) are currently being used to manage weeds. Q2. Outline 3 IWM strategies which you could incorporate into weed management in one or both of these paddocks (pick strategies which do not rely on herbicides!!). Make brief comments on how they would improve weed control/why they are likely to be effective. Also, include comments on the practicality and ease/likelihood of adoption of each strategy in this farming system. (For these final comments, imagine that we are 15 years in the future, with several grass and broadleaf weeds with herbicide resistance, including glyphosate resistance – how do we manage??) Note;- *Pick two different types of weeds (eg a broad leaf and a grass, or very different broadleafs) and briefly discuss how the ecology and physiology of the weeds (and of the crops that may be grown in the paddock) influence the strategies used, and success of the different strategies. *One area of weed management that many growers fail to implement is the stopping of unwanted seeds and propagules (corms, tubers etc.) coming onto, or being spread within the property. This has led to the introduction of a new species of weed, or one with glyphosate or paraquat resistance from external or internal sources. ‘Risk aware’ growers can implement strategies to reduce and avoid unnecessary introduction and spread of weeds. These strategies will reduce not only the likelihood of introducing new weed species but also the risk of importing herbicide resistant weeds. Identify 3 strategies and briefly discuss how these could be implemented. Also, include comments on the practicality and ease/likelihood of adoption of each strategy